{Outgoing Call MayDubai}
Mayed: Alo
Me: {puts it on speaker mode} Mayed
Mayed: Shaikha, leish saweiteelee delete? Leish tgoolin inah our relationship is over
Me: Where have you been mayed the past few months? You never ask about me, you never talk to me, when i talk to you, you never reply back, You read and ignore, change you Personal Message or your Display Picture. Not only that but i graduated yesterday and you didn't even bother to congratulate me! I got sick of it Mayed you expect me to stay with you after all this?
Mayed: It's not like i cheated on you
Me: Really mayed? So you think wat your doing is something very simple, which doesn't deserve for our relationship to end?
Mayed: Yah
Me: Your so lifeless, i can't believe i loved you
Mayed: Why don't you love me anymore?
Me: Why do you want me to love a guy that never spoke to him girlfriend for almost 4 months now!
Mayed: Wallah Shaikha rija3t min amreeka i straight went into my internship
Me: No mayed wat about when you were back in the states why did you ignore me ! you had the same routine everyday and every week wat changed you!
Mayed: Nothing i'm just the same old mayed
Me: No your not! I moved on Mayed i no longer love you!
Mayed: Bas ana a7ebich
Me: I don't,
Mayed: ya3nee bas khalas it over?
Me: heih
Mayed: Your just throwing away the 2 years i spent with you
Me: Like you threw me away for 4 months i will do it
Mayed: Shaikha..
Khalid whispers "bandi bandi lat3awreen rasch wiah"
Me: i have to go yalla bye
Mayed: Shaikha
Me: Bye mayed
Mayed: Bye
{Hangs up}
Khalid: Ftakeiti
Me: Al7amdila
Khalid: Wein tbein tt'3adein?
Me: Anywhere
Khalid: Ok we'll go to JBR
We went had lunch at JBR then went to Dubai mall to meet Maitha.
As we got to Dubai Mall i waited for maitha to arrive so that i can put my things in her car.
Me: i don't want to leave
Khalid: i know 7abeebee
Me: the past two days were one of the best days i spent with you, i don't want it to end
Khalid: Before you travel i promise we'll go out
Me: Ok
Khalid: hay sayarat maitha?
Me: Yah it looks like it
Khalid: 67XX code X
Me: Yah its her
Khalid: ta3alee shway aba agoolj shay
Me: Sho?
Grabs my head kisses me right on my lips
Me: Did maitha see us?
Khalid: {laughs} la2, ta3aly one more
Me: Khalid bas
Khalid: bored already {laughs}
Me: La i'm shy
Khalid gives a kiss on my cheek
Me: yalla i'll go
Khalid: nzein ana aba bosah
gives him a quick kiss on his cheeks, grab my stuff
Khalid: Latensein ilay wa9eitich 3aleih
Me: Sho
Khalid: 3an ilay istwa alyoom
Me: ohh ok now bakalemha
Khalid: Take care 7abeebee
Me: you too bye
I went straight to Maitha's car, dropped my things and went to have coffee at Laduree, we talked about Graduation and the after party. She then brought up about my skydiving experience. This was my opportunity to tell her about wat Khalid told me.
Maitha: Wallah ur so lucky Khalid let you skydive
Me: Yah i went with him tara
Maitha: Abdullah would never let me
Me: Maitha i'll tell you something but i hope it wont upset you.
Maitha: Sho?
Me: And please don't take it personally, remember today when khalid interrupted us and he looked mad.
Maitha: Yah wat was wrong with him
Me: well he was upset that Abdullah came, he didn't like it
Maitha: But Abdullah was far away from us
Me: Yah thats wat i told him, he still didn't like the fact that my best-friend's boyfriend was there you know what I mean
Maitha: Yah i know if Abdullah knew Khalid was ur boyfriend and we were in the same place together it would upset him too.
Me: Oh yeh and please don't tell him about me and Khalid
Maitha: So i just let him keep in his mind that your still with Mayed.
Me: No, just tell him Mayed and i broke up and about Mayed.......
I went on and on telling her wat happened between mayed and i today etc..
We then left Dubai Mall and head straight to my house.
Maitha dropped me off at the house, i got in rushed straight to my mom
Me: Mama!
Mom: Halla 7abeebtee estanastee ams?
Me: heih mama ww 7ata alyoom
Mom: leish shoo saweity alyoom
Me: I'll show you but don't get mad
Mom: ok
Me: Baseer bayeeb my laptop
So i showed my mom the video of me skydiving.
Mom: 7asbyallah 3ableesch ya Shaikho, wein gdarty tsaween chy
Me: Mama kent khayfa awal shei then it was fun
Mom: Ww hal rayal fogch
Me: Mama hatha Khalid Bin X
Mom: Ha! Keeif lgeiteeh hinak?
Me: Ho prefessional skydive, 7a6ony wia wa7d ajnaby fa ho gal la ana baseer ma3aha
Mom: Mashallah 3aleih, 9dg enh 7sheem hal walad, rayal 3ad a7eeneh mob yahal nto omeeh kaif t5aleeneh chy
Me: Mama 3adi hatha my childhood friend
Mom: {laughs} t7amlay traweenih obooch bayshl albeit 3aleina
Me: 3ashan khalid?
Mom: la 3ashanch 3afdah mn 6ayara
Me: Don't worry mama bakhisha hatha fog
Mom: weih ta3aly 3a 6ary gom Bin X ams khabar omah enich mtkharja ww 7'6ar takharujch 7leilhom m6arsheelch hadyeh fog f'3rfatch
Me: Sho??
Mom: Mn 3end gom Khalid
i threw my laptop on the chair and ran to my room, and my room was filled with flowers and gifts. I just went through all of them to see which one of them did khalid send me. I tried calling him a million times but he wouldn't answer. My gifts were from my aunts, cousins, uncles and my moms friends. But i couldn't find a gift from Khalid.
Mom: {pops her head} 3anabooch yal khebla shaleity rbei3 lein ehneeh!
Me: Mama hadaya lazim bark'6
Mom: Ilay ysma3ch ygool inha bint fager
Me: {laughs} mama !
Mom: Ta3aleee alkhadamat 7a6an ba3ad hadeya-lich hneeh hay hee men 3end gom Bin X
I rushed to the living room between mariam and i's room.
And there was the gift from the " Bin X "
Mom: Weih ta3alee 9a7 nseit akhaberch tara obooch 3azmnhom alyoom 3dna
Me: Sho?
Mom: Yoom chaf khalid fltakharuj ams galeh lazem yt3ashon 3edna, fa obooch kalam Khalaf oo kelhom bayoona alyoom
Me: Bas mama i'm not ready ! leish baba y3zmhom today
I just felt my heart beating so fast, Khalid knew about this! and he didn't tell me !
I just don't know wat to say or even how to react.
Mom: Yalla bsr3a goomee tsab7ay wtlabesay lein matkhal9een hom baykoonon ehneeh
Me: Lazem anzel?
Mom: Heih lazem
As i had to go downstairs, i went took a shower, blow dried my hair, applied my make uo wore my midi dress from Valentino.
There was still no call or BBM from Khalid
I straight away rushed downstairs to help with the table setting and everything.
Mom: Shaikha! Mariam!
Me: Na3am!
Mom: Ta3lo yallah, ww hatoo Sherineh
My heart started beating even more i stood in front of a mirror and looked at how i looked.
Took a deep breath and went to my parents who were escorting the guests in.
All of the Bin X came in, Khalid was not with them.
This broke my heart
* * *