* 2 years later *
" I will do anything for you to save my son! "
i looked around me and saw three nurses were trying to calm me down. Just looking at my son on a bed in front of me not moving kills me .. the nurse grabbed my hand and kept saying
" stay strong he will be fine "
As she tried to calm me down i shut my eyes and just started praying to god .. i suddenly heard a long beep I knew it i knew he died but i was to scared to open my eyes and face it. Tears started rushing down i heard abdulrahman shout
" Jawaher ! "
i opened my eyes saw his face turning red i looked at him and said
" 7amad mat ? "
Abdulrahman grabbed me and took me out and told me
" 6ayr min 6yoor al jana nshalla "
i was in so much shock that when i got home Ahmed was asking me about his little brother i couldn't even respond i didn't know what to say or how would i explain to a three year old his baby brother died ..
My step-mom and my dad rushed to the house my step mom cried so much the only thing i can say to her Abdulrahman told me was
" 6ayr min 6yoor aljana nshalla "
Abdulrahman and I stayed strong as our families came to us .. we didn't want a funeral or anything we just wanted to be with our family..
No matter wat happens .. no matter what Abdulrahman and i go through nothing will break us we would always stay strong .. We know our son is in a better place now .. and it was a challenge from god for us to see how patient we are..
Life goes on and we had to tell Ahmed that Hamad is with god and we will see him someday nshalla.
And no matter challenges Abdulrahman and I have nothing other than death would tear us part..
Amazing story :')! It was awesome gorl! Keep up the great work
-xoxo Emz
Amazing story !!!