Monday, August 13, 2012

Beauty and the Knight ± Chapter 5

I just had to ask! 

{Blackberry Messenger}

Shaikha: Khalid
Khalid Bin X: Shaikha
Shaikha: By any chance is ur dad called Khalaf?
Khalid Bin X: Yah why
Shaikha: Omg
Khalid Bin X: Leish?
Shaikha: Nothing 
Khalid Bin X: Gooly
Shaikha: Nothing wallah just forget abt it 
Khalid Bin X: Shaikha
Khalid Bin X: I want to know 
Khalid Bin X: PING!!!
Khalid Bin X: PING!!!
Khalid Bin X: PING!!!
Shaikha: Ok
Shaikha: Ok
Shaikha: You were so tanned right?
Khalid Bin X: Yah 
Shaikha: Went to tennis camp in England?
Khalid Bin X: Heih
Khalid Bin X: Keif t3arfeyn?
Shaikha: Well, today while having lunch with my parents 
Shaikha: I had to ask about "the bin x"
Khalid Bin X: Haha! 
Khalid Bin X: So wat did they tell you
Shaikha: That they know the whole of your fam
Shaikha: And we went to tennis camp together?
Khalid Bin X: WAT!
Shaikha: Yah, u use to grab my cheeks and kiss me 
Khalid Bin X: YAH! 
Khalid Bin X: I DID THAT!
Shaikha: Chill 
Shaikha: And i'm dead serious
Khalid Bin X: I can't believe it !
Shaikha: Yah you were Black khalid 
Khalid Bin X: You use to call me that! 
Khalid Bin X: And i always wondered why 
Khalid Bin X: I never saw myself as a black person 
Shaikha: Hahahaha!
Khalid Bin X: Omg wat a small world 
Khalid Bin X: I fell for you when i was probably 9 and u were 7
Khalid Bin X: 10 years later i fell for you again 
Shaikha: Lol :p 
Khalid Bin X: Shaikha Al X
Khalid Bin X: I remember you guys lived next to our apartment 
Khalid Bin X: And we use to always go to the Hyde park together 
Khalid Bin X: You had a scooter and i had my skates on
Khalid Bin X: And i envied you cuz u had a scooter 
Shaikha: Hahahaha
Shaikha: Yaaa and i use to hide behind my nanny cuz u scared me 
Khalid Bin X: Was i that scary ?
Shaikha: Believe me the darkest kid i've ever seen 

We spent hours talking, remembering the things we did that summer, it was only that summer, the first time we met, spent it together for almost 3 and half months. Ever since that last summer we never went back to london. 

{later that day}

Saturday afternoon was the best, my friends and i would gather somewhere for an afternoon tea which we thought was stupid at first randomly more people started joining us after they heard of it. It was either at my house or any of my friends, or at times go out to a coffee shop and have it there. This week it was at my place. Maitha and Hend go here first so ofc we had to catch up with our gossip before the rest of the girls came

Maitha: So hows Khalid?
Hend: Who's khalid?
Me: The handsome guy at the carnival
Hend: OMG you talk to him
Me: Yah, turns out we spent one summer together 
Maitha: YOU WAT!
Me: Yah imagine

i went on and told her about wat happened during my tennis practice, and that summer 

Hend: {laughs} What he did was so cute !
Maitha: OMG yah!
Hend: What about Mayed?
Me: Wat about him?
Hend: Are you still with him?
Me: YAH! what are you crazy i would never leave him! 
Maitha: TBH i think ur better off without mayed
Me: Why?
Maitha: A7s ho makhth n9 ur happiness 
Hend: What do you mean
Me: Yah

Maitha: Like, he doesn't allow you to go out with us at times, he doesn't let you go to an endurance race, tournament yala yala he says yes
Me: Yah, but u know how protective he is of me 
Maitha: But haven't you thought of ending it?
Me: It's been 2 years how can i leave him?
Hend: Yah its like they're married 
Maitha: But don't you think he's controlling your life

I just stayed quiet and haven't said a word, mayed is overprotected and does control my life but i love him so much and i really dont want to lose him.
So the girls came and we had our afternoon tea.

as it came close to 6 i had to run to my room and call mayed to wake him up..

{outgoing call MayUs}

Mayed: Alo {sleepy voice}
Me: Good morning
Mayed: Halaaa
Me: Its 7 3ndkom wake up, you have some training to do 
Mayed: Bansh ww baklmch 
Me: Make it quick cuz my friends are downstairs 
Mayed: Give me 5 minutes ok?
Me: Ok babe bye
Mayed: bye

i went to my dressing room did some retouch to my hair and makeup, til mayed called back 

{Phone rings}
{Incoming call MayUS}

Me: Aloo
Mayed: Shakhbarech babe?
Me: Tamam you?
Mayed: B5eir al7amdila, khabreenee shu saweity alyoom?
Me: I went to my tennis lesson
Mayed: Heih you told me
Me: Ohh today, my parents told me about this cuz who i went to tennis camp with when i was a kid
Mayed: Mnoo?
Me: Khalid Bin X
Mayed: Ha! Khalid Khalaf?
Me: Yah? How do you know him
Mayed: We went to school together 
Me: Sho?
Mayed: We use to be close friends til grade 10 
Me: Really?
Mayed: YAH!
Me: wow okay

He just went on and on about how they use to be friends and how their friendship ended, telling mayed about him wasn't necessary, that i met him, i added him and i played tennis with him 

Mayed: But he is a really good tennis player 
Me: Yah ybaly al3ab ma3ah 
Mayed: Shoo  geltee yga63 
Me: mashay i just said that my friends are over so baroo7lhom
Mayed: Ohh so the afternoon tea at your place today {british accent}
Me: hh yh 
Mayed: Yalla bakhaleech go to them 
Me: okay bye 
Mayed: Shaikha !
Me: Ha?
Mayed: Mashay i love you?
Me: Ohhh yah i love you
Mayed: Amooot feech, bye 
Me: Bye

My mind was too busy thinking, i just can't believe that my boyfriend and the guy i just met were once best friends, and now enemies over some stupid girl they fought about back in high school. 
I went downstairs sat with my friends and it got close to 7 some left and some stayed for a bit then left. 

As my friends all left i just went to where we all sat and grabbed my blackberry and started talking to Khalid

{Blackberry Messenger}

Shaikha: Heyy
Khalid Bin X: Yow!
Shaikha: :p Wassup 
Khalid Bin X: Haha not much homy u!
Shaikha: :p  gd gd
Shaikha: Lsnnn
Shaikha: U were at X school right 
Khalid Bin X: Achooofch titkhaberain 3anee haa 
Shaikha: :p  Noooooo loooool i was just wondering 
Shaikha: Cuz a friend of mine use to go there 
Khalid Bin X: Whats her name
Shaikha: Mayed 
Khalid Bin X: Ohh walad
Khalid Bin X: Mayed who?
Shaikha: Mayed  
Shaikha: Al x
Khalid Bin X: Sho!
Khalid Bin X: Ww ntee keif t3arfeina!

* * *


  1. We're so hooked! This is becoming so interesting. Spent an hour or so just reading it- let's just say we're reeeeeeally looking forward to the upcoming posts! We think she's going a bit too fast with Khalid; giving in too much information and all (might end the relationship between her and Mayed)

    Lots of Love

  2. please post chapter 6!!!
