Friday, May 24, 2013

Beauty and the Knight ± Chapter 15

* few months later *

As an  engineer student i was thrilled to have my winter break finally i can rest. Who ever thought that i would end up studying engineering instead  of interior design. A week from now i'll be on a plane to Paris for two days and after that to London to meet the love of my life Khalid.

Its been so long since i've last seen my school friends so i planned on to having a winter night gathering at home.
Later that night my friends came over, and of course Hend got one of her  friends who she met in uni during the semester.
I seriously wanted it to be only us.
Anyways her name is Huda.
So anyways we all started talking about our uni lives now and how all of us, as besfriends (excluding Huda) parted ways all of a sudden.
I left them for a few minutes to get my other phone, i got back and saw that i got a bbm.
I opened my phone and what was really weird that it didnt require a password, so i assumed that i forgot to lock it, i saw khalid talking to me. I opened the convo

{Blackberry Messenger}

Khalid Bin X: How about we meet up when you get here
Hudzzz: Get where?
Khalid Bin X: To london


this is when i noticed that this not my phone, it was huda's and khalid was cheating on me.
I felt stick to my stomach throughout the night i couldn't say a word to her. I can't even talk to my friends. Khalid was running through my head; why would he do that, was it something i've done? I just kept this to myself. The shocking thing is that i spoke to him before having my friends over and there was no reply from him, this whole time he's been talking to Huda.
Later that night he spoke to me " Sorry i forgot my phone in the hotel " wow and now he's lying.
Should i talk to him? Or should i just stay quiet.
I'm so hurt i don't really know what to say or even think.


I've been thinking about it for the past few day's, i am just so scared of knowing what his answer is after confronting him.
I am traveling tomorrow, I don't want to go to london and suddenly see him with some girl or something. I just don't know what to think.
I have to confront him i just want to know why.

{Blackberry Messenger}

Shaikha: Khalid when ur free talk to me 
Khalid Bin X: Hey babe
Khalid Bin X: I'm free now
Khalid Bin X: Shoo feech 7abeebee
Shaikha: Khalid whoz huda?
Khalid Bin X: Ma3arfha who is she?
Shaikha: Khalid
Shaikha: When i had my friends over i saw you on her list
Shaikha: I grabbed her phone bilghala6 thinking it was mine
Khalid Bin X: OK

Khalid Bin X: Its some girl i met over instagram

Khalid Bin X: Bas wallah ma beeiny ww beinha shay
Shaikha: No
Shaikha: Clearly there was
Shaikha: Cos you asked her to meet up with you
Khalid Bin X:  You read the whole conversation 

Shaikha: No I didnt have to read anything i replied thinking it was my phone
Khalid Bin X:  Shaikha i am so sorry i didn;t mean to hurt
Shaikha: Wtvr khalid 
Shaikha: Im going to bed i have nothing else to say
Shaikha: Gn
Khalid Bin X: Shaikha wallah im so sorry 

Khalid Bin X: I didn't mean to hurt you
Khalid Bin X: Wallah il3atheem i just deleted her 
Khalid Bin X: Stop ignoring me i know ur reading this. 

I did read it, ignored it and went to bed. 


I woke up the next day got ready and head to the airport, i really didn't want to check my phone to scared to find out what will happen next after last nights conversation. 
We sat down in the lounge; my phone started to ring, it was Khalid. 
I ignored his call and checked my BBMs.

{Blackberry Messenger}

Khalid Bin X: Shaikha wallah im so sorry 
Khalid Bin X: I didn't mean to hurt you
Khalid Bin X: Wallah il3atheem i just deleted her 
Khalid Bin X: Stop ignoring me i know ur reading this. 

Khalid Bin X: Its all my fault; shaikha wallah ma kan 8a9dy to break your heart, it just happened
Khalid Bin X: She was talking to me all the time, ww ana al ghaby i replied back
Khalid Bin X: But i will be honest with you
Khalid Bin X: I did give her my pin
Khalid Bin X: But i completely forgot about her cos she was on and off on BBM 
Khalid Bin X: Gelt ba3ad mnoo hay on my list 
Khalid Bin X: Then when u spoke to her i told her lets me bas chii out of curiosity 
Khalid Bin X: I am really sorry 
Khalid Bin X: Please latez3ileen
Shaikha: 7a9al kheir
Shaikha: Bye khalid

i switched off my phone waited til we got on the plane to sleep. I've been holding myself trying not to cry. Thinking about this just gives me a headache.  

* * * 


  1. I know its short but i will be posting another chapter in the next couple of days !


  2. First ;;)

    AMZING POST! 5alid 6a7 mn 3ayni :(
    Post soon <3

  3. <3 _<3 !!!!!!!

    Post Soon PLEASE!!

  4. How unfortunate.. Maybe her friend invited Huda for a reason or maybe Huda knows she was with Khalid and wanted to go over to her house (We're jumping from one conclusion to another!). We can't wait for the next posts!

    Lots of Love
